

Heart Strong Carson City

Protect and enhance the quality of life in Carson City.

Carson City Fire Department wants to increase survivors from cardiac arrest.  We are starting a project called Heart Strong Carson City to work with partners and the community. Having a community that is trained and equipped to handle a sudden cardiac arrest situation can be the difference between surviving or not.

What does this mean?

The primary goal of the program is to increase survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Carson City can develop and implement lifesaving networks that focus on coordinating local resources to prevent sudden cardiac arrest from becoming sudden cardiac death. Efforts involving individuals, businesses, public officials and emergency responders agencies can establish a program to make the difference between life and death.


Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. People of all ages can experience a sudden cardiac arrest and nine out of 10 victims die. When bystanders intervene immediately by giving CPR, survival rates double or triple.

Bystanders can help save lives by addressing the first three links in the Chain of Survival.


How do we get to our goal?

  • Increase awareness of sudden cardiac arrest, its signs and symptoms
  • Increase the availability of community Hands Only CPR/AED programs
  • Increase placement, registration and availability of AED’s in public areas, businesses and schools
  • Assist in emergency planning for AED-equipped facilities
  • Develop partnerships in the community to work on our goals.
  • 10% of employees in a business will be trained in Hands Only CPR


Are you aware of Pulse Point? 

PulsePoint Respond is a 911-connected app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when CPR is needed nearby.

PulsePoint AED is a simple-to-use tool that enables you to help build the public AED registry in your community – or anywhere!

    Heartlogo      Get the app: http://www.pulsepoint.org/